Friday, October 28, 2011

Winter Tidings

Happy Govardhan Puja, Diwali, Kali Puja, Bali Daityaraj Puja!

To all the readers,
I want to extend a happy and hearty Holiday greeting from my family to yours. Tomorrow is Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance day, next week Gopastami and Jagaddhatri Puja and I pray that the blessings of the Lord and His exalted servants be with you and your loved ones this holiday season.
The holidays are wonderful and magical time, especially with the season change, everything has a lovely misty glaze to it. The night comes early and lingers with a damp and misty dew, sometimes remaining as fog in the morning; the butterflies have disappeared and the birds are seeking refuge in their winter oasis. What will become of me? This winter I feel like a lovely transformation is taking place within me and all around. For my Karttik vows, I have taken up some external austerities in order to approach self-realization but the greatest austerities, I believe, are those taking place right within my own heart, body and mind. The daily struggle of the mind and heart is my greatest challenge. At times I conquer valiantly and at other times, I am conquered and remain despondent in utter defeat. Normally, I'm never sure what to do during winter except for crochet, yoga, write and jumprope in my cloister; I fear the cold and rainy weather and prefer to remain under a gloomy spell indoors for most of winter. This year, however, I feel the desire to run out and embrace the sharp and biting winter air. Welcome the harshness. Inhale the cold. Walk with Winter.
Hare Krishna!

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