Thursday, October 13, 2011

Feel More, Write Less

I'm want to change my attitudes about writing, speech and expression in general so I'm trying a new exercise. With this exercise, I'm trying to accomplish expression without too many words. I hope I'm communicating myself better, and, eventually own my power of speech. If this sounds a lot like affirmations, its because it is. I got this idea from an Oprah episode I watched last night. Okay, I watched about five minutes but I think I got the gist of it all. Things I want to talk about today are:
  • juice- I'm still juicing and improving my eating habits. For my Karttik vow, I want to conquer my lust for food, control my tongue and abstain from unhealthy foods. I'm exercising my self-control, will power and engaging in this small austerity in hopes of attaining clarity and fortitude.  
  • jewelry- I removed most of my jewelry today which consist mainly of astrological gemstones and "status" ornaments. I realised how attached I am to status, beauty and opulence, in the case of astrological gems. For this month, I will not rely on gems and jewelry; I will own my own glamour, elegance and status with simplicity and grace. With this exercise I plan to gain control over my pride and false ego by remembering all opulence is rightful property of Bhagavan and Sri Hari removes all obstacles and encumbrances. 
  • pranayam- I'm practicing five minutes morning and evening daily in order to strengthen and pacify the mind. With this exercise, I gain control over my own self and my mind becomes my most loyal friend and confidant.
With all the austeries this month, you may notice a lot of change. I'm in the middle of a transition right now, I'm changing my identity and views about myself among other things. I will take my time to find myself and would appreciate your patience and support. The affirmations are a tool I use to help me through this metamorphosis but my primary source of power come from mantra meditation, pranayam and other spiritual fountains. If you want to know more, just ask. Hare Krishna.

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